Workout Tips
10 Best Muscle-Building Biceps Exercises
Over the years, a number of studies have sought to investigate the best biceps exercises. It might surprise you at first—after all, have you ever read an article about the best way to fill out the sleeves of your lab coat? But on the other hand, you know the first thing you'd do if you ever got access to an EMG machine would be to hook it up to your guns. Be honest.
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Workout Tips
9 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Fat Loss
Why the discrepancy? For one, experienced lifters know that while muscle activation matters, it isn't the only thing that matters. At some point, the amount of weight you can move counts, too! Otherwise, exercises like leg extensions, which can have a higher EMG score for quads than squats and leg press, would dominate the leg workouts of champion bodybuilders. Of course, squats are the better move—and not just for quads.
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9 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Fat Loss
I enjoy trying new things in the gym. I especially like it when I know those things are helping me grow! A couple years ago, I started using weight plates in my shoulder workouts instead of dumbbells or barbells. I thought that, by increasing the length of the lever, I'd be putting more load and stress on my delts. Well, I was right. I feel really good about my delt development, and I want to help you do the same!
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Workout Tips
Build An Athletic Body In 8 Weeks!
There's a pretty good chance that, at some point, you've envied the physique of a pro athlete. Who hasn't? While the Arnolds of the world get plenty of attention for being inspirational, the truth is that other types of athletes across various sports—football, basketball, soccer, boxing, you name it—have done just as much if not more to get lifters into the weight room
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